February 2, 2019 - We start laying out the new greenhouse

Getting more materials in place.
2-15-19 Beginning Framing

2-15-19 The table and some framing is up.

2-18-19 A trailer load of straw bales

2-18-19 Jim cleans off some snow to be ready to stack more bales

2-18-19 Starting to stack the strawbale back wall

2-18-19 A back view of the growing straw bale wall

2-21-19 The back wall is mostly stacked.
We're thankful for a blower fan from our friends at Coneflower Farm



2-21-19 Steve and Jim work on attaching the roofing


3-14-19 We have the front braces up so it starts to look more like a building.

3-14-19 View from the east.

3-14-19 Back view.

3-14-19 Construction detail of bracket and aluminum holder for plastic sheeting.



3-14-19 Location for wood stove. Needs fire protection yet, obviously!

3-19-19 We laid out the plastic

3-19-19 We next brought the plastic up to the ridge.

3-19-19 Now the plastic is hanging down.

3-19-19 We start attaching the plastic to the upper supports.

3-19-19 Cat scan to see everything is OK.

3-19-19 The greenhouse now has an inside.

3-14-19 Fastening the lower section.

3-14-19 The big piece of plastic is attached. We'll get the ends some day soon!

3-14-19 Doors are up with plastic covering much of the ends.

3-14-19 Although it is not yet enclosed, we're starting to use the greenhouse.

3-14-19 View of the west door.

3-28-19 The west end is now closed.

3-28-19 Steve manufactured a door handle and a latchstring latch.

3-28-19 The east end is also closed. It still needs the handle and latch on the door.

3-28-19 A closeup of the wiggle wire used to attach greenhouse plastic to the frame.

3-28-19 The north straw bale wall is done, with cracks filled and fastened together with bamboo and twine.